Pine and the Wise Fox

Meet Pine, Jake, and Cid as they travel in and around a modern coastal town to find the Great Wise Fox. A network of magical kingdoms, severed but unnoticed by humankind, depends on their success. (Excerpt from a Graphic Novel Pitch)

Cookie Jar Mystery

Granny’s bakery vault was broken into. Clues left behind indicate 6 suspects. Join Sally as she unravels the mystery of, “Who stole from the Cookie Jar?”

Lost Midnight Garden

A short wordless comic I created to celebrate the life of a friend’s dog.

Princess of Light

Each night the Princess of Light must find a different way to escape the palace of the Dark King. Join her on this short adventure!

Rice Festival

A mysterious figure leaves the noisy fall festival and wanders the rural backroads of japan in silence. Who is she and where is she going?

Bubbling Brew

A short comic based on a larger Graphic Novel idea I’ve worked on over the years.

A Day in the Life

The Quest for where babies come from - An episode from my weekly updated web-comic.


Part of a Graphic Novel Pitch I put together for Bunnicula (Amazing series of books by James and Deborah Howe).